Chan stars as a hardened special forces agent who fights to protect a young woman from a sinister criminal gang. At the same time he with feels a special connection to the young woman, like they met in a different life.
Dreharbeiten finden bereits seit einigen Monaten statt. In Sydney wurde bereits fertiggedreht. Inklusive einer Actionscene am Dach des Sydney Opera House. Derzeit befindet sich die Produktion in Taiwan.
Zuletzt geändert von dragonhero005 am Do, 08.06.2017, 12:39, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Chans Englisch ist mittlerweile auf dem Niveau eines Nullklässlers. Der Wahnsinn. Der sollte mal was anderes außer Mandarin labern. Selbst Kantonesisch kriegt er wahrscheinlich schon nicht mehr auf die Reihe.
Scheint mal wieder 'ne respektable Chan-Gurke zu sein:
Let’s begin with the positives. The opening action scene is actually well-executed. The action choreography of the shootouts, along with the Hollywood-like editing and the professional use of pyrotechnics are well-done and it promises to be a good start for the film, at least from an action standpoint.
And that is it for the positives, because the rest is just putrefying garbage. The action scenes are incredibly underwhelming and furiously edited to the point that it becomes exhausting rather than exciting. The highly-anticipated action scene set on top of the Sydney Opera House is hugely disappointing due to the routine fight choreography, the distracting green screen and the sloppy direction from Leo Zhang. Having the camera closer to see the performers would be nice, but little to that type of invention rarely ever happens.